"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world"
Isn't this so true!
Everything comes from the mind, whether it is a word or an idea.
I'm thinking of all the inventions over the hundreds of years, some we probably even take for granted.
The washing machine, the car, the cooker, the computer, the hoover, the laptop, etc, etc, etc.
What about the "ideas" which affect nations?
The Two World Wars started with someone 'thinking' and having 'ideas' and history shows us how that worked out.
But what about the good things that help. For example, the discoveries in the medical world, the research into cancer which is saving lives. Keeping someone alive after a terrible crash and they go on to live a fairly normal life. All of these things came from someone's mind.
So, the next time you have a thought --- don't cast it off (especially if it is a good thought) --- just see how possible it may be to actually 'see' that thought 'come alive'.
Change your own world.