Saturday, August 5, 2023


 "What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you"

We are surrounded by thousands of people and things which 'catch' our eyes all the time.

What is inside of us?

Do we know who we are, what we want and where we are going in Life?

A person who loves in their heart and tries their best to only be Positive and think good thoughts about others --- will always have Peace inside of them.


Friday, August 4, 2023

It's Your Script

 "You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script"

When you take Control of your own Life, others notice it and it encourages that person to take Control of their own Life, and before anyone knows it, we're all in Control of Life.

Which is something that we really need to do today.


Thursday, August 3, 2023

You Really Are !

 "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot"

Wow, where did that hour go? I just looked at the time and it was ? 5 minutes ago (or so it seemed).

It's true isn't it, we look at our watches and then, before we even know it, 3 hours have gone by and we should be on our way home.

How can we control time? Well, to a certain degree we can't because we need to work, go to college, have appointments, and the list really is endless. But we do need to keep 'Control' of time and planning our day definately helps, if only to make sure we know when we need to take our tablets. But we need to 'Control' time for another reason --- our Health!

Yes, both mentally and physically we need to keep 'Control' of our time so that we know where we are and why we are there (or here). Also, we need to give ourselves some "me time", so make that time / date and enjoy that 30 minutes of just sitting down, reading your book (or watching your favourite program), with a drink and something to eat, and SEE that you really are the Pilot of your own Time.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

"I'm Possible"

 "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm Possible"

I'll never do that, it's just impossible.

How many times have we said this? Looked at something and thought: "No way, that's impossible!"

Nothing is impossible, everything is Possible!

We just have to believe in ourselves and life and we'll do it. 

Whether it's a dream, a hobby or even just wanting a partner in life, it is in our hands to get what we really want. True, it may take some time, but it will be worth every single second.

Let's be Positive and think and say: "Yes, that is Possible and I'm going to do it!"


This young lady was deaf and blind at a time when many disabled people were put into asylums. However, Helen never said: "It's impossible" but made her life Possible and her life story is a real Inspiration for us today --- disabled or not --- man or woman.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Dream Dream Dream

 "When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let it go"

When was the last time you thought about what you really wanted in life?

Did you have a Dream which you were 'aiming' for but forgot about because of the busyness of life?

When you were young --- what did you want to be?

Even if you are married with a family to look after (man or woman), you can still "follow that Dream"!

Whether you need to study for it, or can do it at home, or need to even 'plan' for it --- you can have that Dream!

Today, with the internet and adult education, we have everything to help us walk towards our Dream, we just need to put time into it ourselves.

And surely we can find 10 - 15 minutes every single day for ourselves!

It's not selfish because it will make us happy, and happiness rubs off onto others and then everybody will be smiling.

So --- take hold of that Dream and Live the Dream.


I've put an article on Sir David Attenborough because he's been documenting Wildlife for over 50 years and is really like a 'teacher', never giving up on his "Dream". I just feel that he is a great example to read about and be Inspired from --- especially as he is still going at 97 years of age!

Monday, July 31, 2023

In Love

 "Be in love with your life. Every minute of it"

I'm in love and I hope you are too!

Not with a person or a 'thing' but with LIFE Itself.

It's a bit like being in love with yourself but why not? Why not Love your Life?

The 'trick' is making it Worth Loving.


Sunday, July 30, 2023

Don't Forget

 "If you climb a mountain, don't forget to enjoy the view"

This can be taken literally or mentally.

When you are working so hard to get the life you know you deserve, don't forget to 'SEE' others as you go. Don't ignore your family, who you are working so hard to support. Enjoy the journey and those who share it with you.

When you're driving a car to your next destination, you go so fast that you do not see the beautiful scenery. The same is true in life. You are working so much, so many hours, that you haven't seen your mother in 6 months (for example), or, you don't have a family of your own because 'work' has taken up all of your mind and life.

STOP !!!

Sit Down!

And just look around you, talk to your loved one, give them a cuddle, and see the beautiful LIFE that you have NOW.