Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Long Snouted Seahorse

One of 2 seahorses found in the UK, Long Snouted Seahorses are recognized by their longer snout and fleshy 'mane.'

#   Also known as the "Spiny Seahorse", this seahorse is recognized by the fleshy mane on its neck and back
#   They live in shallow coastal waters and are pretty poor swimmers, relying on their prehensile tail to cling onto seaweed and seagrass to stop from being swept away.
#   They don't have teeth and simply suck up their favourite prey of small shrimp and plankton.
#   The Long Snouted Seahorse is a small-sized fish that can reach a maximum length of 21.5cm but the average size is more or less 12cm.
#   Its colour ranges from dark green to different variants of brown and yellow, the body is often speckled with small white dots.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Big-Belly Seahorse

The Big-Belly Seahorse is one of the largest seahorse species in the world.

#   It is up to 35cm long and is the largest seahorse in Australia.
#   These seahorses have a forward-tilted, a long-snouted head, a distended but narrow pot belly and a long, coiled tail.
#   It swims using its dorsal fin with a vertical stance and when it's not swimming, it coils its prehensile tail around any suitable growth (ie seaweed).
#   These seahorses are found among algae, seagrasses and rocky reefs in shallow water. They usually inhabit waters less than 50m (160ft) deep, but have been found as deep as 104m (340ft).
#   In the wild, breeding can commence when the seahorse is about one year old. Courtship initiation involves a series of colour changes and postural displays.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Coral Reefs

Oceans and reefs are some of our planet's most vibrant attractions.
In the Northern Red Sea, there appears to be a vast region of exceptionally hardy reefs which survive temperatures far exceeding present-day norms. In this reef system, we can learn lessons that can help protect other reefs. This area of the Ocean needs to be protected !

Sometimes called the "Rainforests of the Sea", shallow coral reefs form some of the Earth's most diverse ecosystems. These "Rainforests" provide a home for at least 25% of all marine species (including fish, mollusks, crustaceans and sponges).

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The SeaHorse

Seahorses prefer to swim in pairs with their tails linked together.
# seahorses feed constantly on plankton and tiny fish
# the seahorse moves each eye independently, so that it can follow the activity of passing sea life without giving it's presence away
# there are about 40 known species of seahorse
# these sea creatures swim upright and avoid predators by mimicking the colour of underwater plants
# seahorses propel themselves by using a small fin on their back that flutters up to 35 times per second. Even smaller pectoral fins located near the back of the head are used for steering
# seahorses are monogamous and mate for life.

Friday, May 29, 2020

The Fish Of The Oceans

Ocean fishes come in all shapes and sizes and colours and live in different depths and temperatures.
# the most common fish is any of the species of a deepwater fish called the "Bristle Mouth." This fish is about the size of a small minnow. It can be caught at 500m or deeper all over the world.
# the largest 'fish' is the "Whale Shark", which grows more than 50 feet long and weighs several tons.
# the smallest fish is the "Tiny Goby" which lives in the Philippines. It rarely grows longer than half an inch at adulthood.
# Fish breather oxygen, not air. Their gills contain a network of fine blood vessels that diffuse the oxygen throughout the fish's membranes.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Sharks are amazing ocean predators, and they are some of the most Powerful creatures in the sea.
There are more than 1,000 species of sharks and rays, with new species discovered every year.
These majestic predators are essential to the natural order of marine ecosystems.
Sharks are found in all five of the Earth's oceans :
the Atlantic
Basking sharks (the second biggest fish in the world) travels with family to familiar feeding sites.
The Lemon Sharks have personalities, they make friends, use body language and learn tricks.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Eagle

The Golden Eagle
# is the top predator in the Scottish countryside
# it is a massive bird of prey that hunts mainly on rabbits and mountain hares, also foxes and birds like grouse
# this eagle can be seen soaring high in the sky in upland areas and remote glens in the north and west of Scotland
# Golden Eagles pair for life
The White-Tailed Eagle
# it is our largest bird of prey
# it is found on the Isle of Mull and off the west coast of Scotland
# this is also known as the "Sea Eagle", and it preys on fish, mammals and small birds
# both parents tend to the one or two chicks that hatch each year.