Live In The Moment
"Remember, you can't reach what's front of you until you let go of what's behind you"
A Good Way to Help us in this is by Living in the moment.
To do this, we need to Concentrate on our Mental Health.
We need to look after our Minds and our Thoughts by letting go of the past and filling our Minds with "Positive Thinking" Today.
We can do very little about our past 'experiences' except to Learn from them, and then take these Lessons with us Today.
This way, we can "Build" on our Futures.
But to do any of this --- we must let go of the past!
"Just like a bird cannot fly if it clings to its previous perch, we cannot reach what is ahead of us if we continue to hold onto the past".
When we 'reach forwards', we are opening up opportunities that will never appear if we hold back and onto the past.
Let go of the weight of past experiences which will only hold us down, and reach forwards, looking ahead, to a much more Happier and Optimistic Life, Today and Tomorrow.
Remember, filling our Minds with Positive Thinking will really Help us to do this.
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