Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Elizabeth I

 Elizabeth I

The daughter of Anne Bolyn and Henry VIII, this well-known Queen had a difficult childhood but came through it and showed us all how the rule a country!

It must have broken Elizabeth's heart when she heard that her father had her mother executed and to then be called illegitimate --- one minute she was heir to the throne, the next her father did not even acknowledge her. However, Elizabeth did have a certain amount of schooling (which was unusual for the time) and she could write English, Latin and Italian, as well as French and Greek. In fact, it turned out that Elizabeth was one of the best educated women of her time.
Elizabeth came to the throne when she was 25 years of age and the people loved her --- "Good Queen Bess" --- her reign was one of the most peaceful. She refused to marry, not willing to give up her power over the throne or put herself in danger when it comes to childbirth.
Elizabeth I is quoted as saying: "I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England!"
I personally am inspired by Elizabeth I, because although she was born into Royalty, she did not have an easy life and overcame so many obstacles to become the Queen we read about today.
For a more detailed read about this Unique Queen's life, click on the link "Elizabeth I" --- it is well worth a read!

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