Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Positivity Won!

Positivity Won!

"A negative mind will never give you a positive life"

Like oil and water never mixes, the negative and the positive will never mix.

The 'two' cannot reside together, side by side, in the one place.

It is either negative 'or' Positive.

It is difficult to break out of a negative thinking cycle, when our Mind keeps going back to the past, and we keep re-living a past situation.

This destroys our Minds and stops us thinking about the Future.

Plus, this 'allows' depression to creep in and we definately do not want that to happen.

When we realize that something has triggered our Minds and we 'start' to slip backwards, we need to get up and do something Positive to change our Mindset towards a Positive and \Optimistic one.

There is only room for "One" in our Minds, so let's make sure that "One" is always "Positivity".

You'll be surprised how quickly your Life will become Positive.


Monday, December 2, 2024

The Power Of Positive Thinking

 The Power Of Positive Thinking

"You can if you think you can"

This shows the Power of Positive Thinking.

And it is very fulfilling when we Accomplish something that we never knew we could do.

This gives us a very Strong "Mindset".

And this builds up our Self-Confidence also.

The shows us the Importance of what we choose to 'allow' into our Minds.

And also who we choose to have in our circle of friends.

The more Positive the friend, the better the Positive influence.

When we Meditate every day on Optimistic Affirmations, these Constructive Thoughts give us a very "Can Do" Attitude. 

All of this Helps us to overcome the difficult 'situations' which face us every day.

"Visualization" is a very Good way of overcoming doubts about ourselves.

When we "Visualize" that we Can do something, especially if it is difficult for us personally, all things seem and are possible.

Sometimes, doing things together, with a friend, Encourages both parties to Accomplish things 'we never knew we could do'.

So have Faith in Yourself and keep your Mind Strong because: you can if you think you can.


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Say It Every Day

 Say It Every Day

"I never lose. Either I win or I Learn"

This is a very Positive way of looking at Life.

The "Power" of the Mind and how we Think about Life "influences" what we do in our own Lives.

The emphasis is then on us to 'Create' and 'Keep' this Optimistic way of looking at our Lives.

Instead of looking at 'problems' as failures, we need to look at them as 'challenges' to Learn from and 'win' over.

After all, as long as we are Alive, we have already "WON" over everything.

We become Strong and Resilient.

The word "Resilient" means: 'to be able to withstand or recover quickly from a difficult condition'.

When we have the Attitude that we will never lose, but always Win or Learn from, then 'Life will never knock us down'.

This includes having Faith and Belief in Ourselves, then we 'Can' and 'Will' Learn from and Win over any problems or situations that come our way.

This is a Good quote to say to Ourselves every single day.


Saturday, November 30, 2024

You Are Just As Important

 You Are Just As Important

"Make yourself a priority once in a while. It's not selfish. It's necessary"

We never think it's selfish when we look after ourselves Physically.

We take vitamins and try to eat and exercise in a Healthy way, and this is 'taking care of ourselves'.

Why is it any different when we look after ourselves Mentally?

It is Important to give ourselves Time to Rest, Relax and Rebuild.

We are busy all day long and we have hardly any time to sit down and have a cup of tea, which is why we must make the time, schedule it, plan it.

In other words --- Control our Time.

By doing this we are also showing Respect to Ourselves.

Sitting down for fifteen minutes every day to just 'look after ourselves' will Help us to de-stress and clear our Minds.

Also, we are resting our bodies Physically which is a necessity.

Why is resting our Minds any different?

This is also a Good way of finding out what we Personally need to stay Balanced in our Lives.

When we look after ourselves Mentally, we are caring for ourselves Emotionally, and both will have a Positive effect on us Physically.

Remember "You" are just as Important as everybody else.


Friday, November 29, 2024

The Power Of Acceptance

 The Power Of Acceptance

"Accept what is, let go of what was, and have Faith in what will be"

Believe In Yourself!

This Is your Life and only You have the Right to Control Your Life.

It Is Important to Accept Life for what it is.

We cannot change the past but we can Learn from it.

And it can only Help to 'free' our Minds when we let go of past hurts.

We need to have Faith in Today.

We need to have Faith in Tomorrow.

We need to have Faith in Ourselves!

Acceptance brings Peace.

And Peace of Mind means Peace within our Lives.

There is 'Power' in Positive Thinking. 

And in this way we will have Control over our own Lives.

When we do all of this, we can start to Move Forwards in our own Lives.

That daily routine of Gratitude and Positive Thinking will Help us every day to be Strong in our Minds, building up that Faith in our Lives, in Ourselves, and in the Future.


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Good And Happy Memories

 Good And Happy Memories

"The best things in Life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and good memories!"

How true is this!

Material objects are nice to have but they cannot talk, listen, do or hug.

One of our earliest and most comforting memories is of mother cuddling us as a baby, smiling and talking to us.

Even today, at over fifty years old, I can still remember my mum's brooch of two white cats curled up together.

A Beautiful memory of my mother who is no longer with us.

And what would we do for just one more cuddle with our loved ones?

Whilst we are Altogether and Alive, let's Love and Appreciate each other 'Today'.

Each one of us has their own Unique Smile.

Every one of us has that Special Laugh.

How 'often' do we Smile and Laugh?

How much 'time' do we spend with our loved ones?

"Time" itself is free but goes by so quickly that if we 'blink', we miss it.

Let's "use" our Time wisely and really take in these Beautiful 'aspects' of Life.

A Hug.

A Smile.

A Friend.

A Kiss.





Good And Happy Memories.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Accept And Respect

 Accept And Respect

"We are all different flowers, but together we create a beautiful garden!"

A garden full of flowers looks and smells Beautiful.

Each variety of flower looks exquisite in its own way, and each flower stands out as Unique.

How Beautiful this is to our Eyes and Minds.

Did you know that there are roughly 250,000 to 400,000 species of flowering plants in this world.

And although there are only one species of 'human', the variety or number of 'races' can be anything from 3 to over 60.

Everyone is Unique and Special and 'Colourful' in their own way.

And this makes Life so Interesting!

The 'variety' of human Life on this Earth compliments the other Life that is here, (birds, animals, etc).

And isn't a Beautiful garden full of flowers "Peaceful!"

This is something that we humans can Learn from.

To Accept and Respect each other is Priceless.