Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Our Future Is In Our Hands

 Our Future Is In Our Hands

"The future depends on what you do today"

What we do today will effect how we will Live tomorrow.

But when we think like this, we are showing everyone that we have "Control" of our Lives.

And even the smallest of Positive steps today can have the biggest impact on our tomorrows.

Set a goal, it doesn't matter how small, for 'tomorrow' and tick it off as you 'do' it.

Sometimes, it is the smallest but persistent 'routines' which have the most Optimistic outlook for the Future.

One Good 'daily routine' to have is Daily Positive Affirmations.

When we are constantly saying these to ourselves and writing them down every single day, it is Amazing how our Minds are Built Up, not just for that day but for the next day, and so on into the Future.

And instead of thinking of the "Future" as years away, think of it as tomorrow, next week or even next month.

This Helps our Minds to 'see' that planning for the Future is 'manageable', and it is easier to tick off as we go.

In this way, we will feel that we have "Accomplished" something within our Lives.

And that our Future is in Our Hands.



Monday, November 4, 2024

The More The 'Ripple' Effect

 The More The 'Ripple' Effect

"Leave footprints of love and kindness wherever you go"

How do we want to be known?

As a Kind, Happy and Loving person?

We know the expression to 'follow in a person's footsteps'.

For Christians, this is usually the Christ.

For others, it could be  King or Queen,

Or even a sports person. 

But, how do we want others to "see" us?

We Live such busy Lives that we rarely have time to 'think' about this.

It Is A Good idea to just stop and rest and give yourself some time to 'think'.

If nothing else, the Physical rest will be Good for you.

Treating others with Respect and Kindness is something we do without thinking, and we never know how 'that's effects the other person. 

We do not know what others have gone through, and a kind word really can make all the difference to their day.

The more "Positive" that we try to personally spread, the more the 'ripple' Effect.


Sunday, November 3, 2024

At The End Of The Day

 At The End Of The Day

 "Always end the night with a Positive thought"

This will also Help our Minds to Dream Nicely. 

"Positivity" has a Power all of its own.

Like the Law of Attraction of 'like Attracts like', so is the Power of Positivity. 

Positive Builds Up.

Positive Strengthens.

Positive Attracts Positive. 

The word "Positive" is a 'desirable or constructive quality or attribute'.



All of this can only Help us to have a Peaceful sleep, because we will have a quiet mind.

Self-Care at the end of the day is such a Good idea because of all of the Benefits we will receive. 




Have you ever gone to sleep with a tune in your head and woken up, the next morning, with the same tune going round your head?

Why not keep a Positive thought in your mind and you'll wake up with that same thought, starting your day off 'on a Positive note'.

Positive Affirmations are so Good for us Mentally that we literally cannot have enough of them.

Like we look after ourselves Physically before going to bed, so we need to Learn to look after ourselves Mentally. 


Saturday, November 2, 2024

Look Forwards And Be Happy

 Look Forwards And Be Happy

"Never be defined by your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence"

This is a Good Reminder that Life Goes On.

And we need to Remember, that people Love us for 'who' we are and not because of our past.

We Learn from the past, like a lesson in a classroom.

And like we finish school and move onto work, so we finish with the past and move onto the Future.

Whilst it is Good to 'reflect' on past situations, remembering how we dealt with them and got through them, it is not Good Mentally to stay in the past.

And our Mental Health is one of the most Important aspects of our Lives.

When others do not 'define' us by our past, neither should we!

Let go of past 'habits' that could be holding you back, and "Look Ahead" to becoming a Better version of Yourself.

And a Happier version of Yourself.

Stop thinking 'what if' and start thinking 'I Am!'

I am moving Forward in my Life!

I am becoming much Happier within myself!

I am Living in the present and looking Forward to the Future!


Friday, November 1, 2024

Don't Miss Out

 Don't Miss Out!

"Never wait. Life goes faster than you think"

Procrastination is a long word.

It means: "the action of delaying or postponing something".

Some people 'do' this because they are nervous of the 'unknown'.

However, if we never "do" anything, we will never "Learn" anything. 

And, very often, we could miss out on something Wonderful in Life.

It Is so True isn't it, that Life goes by so fast that, it seems, that if we 'blink', we will miss "It".

Our children grow up so quickly that they become adults before we realise, and aunts and uncles are always saying: 'haven't they grown up so quickly!'

All of this makes us want to Learn to "Be In The Moment" so that we try not to ever miss out on anything in our Lives.

Is it even possible to slow down time?

I'm not sure if we can slow down time, but we can "Control" out Time.

And this Helps us to 'Be in the Moment'.

We will also 'know' what we will be doing taking the fear out of the 'unknown'.

Then, we will not miss out on much of this Amazing and Beautiful Life that we have on this Earth.


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Learn, Let Go And Live!

 Learn, Let Go And Live!

"If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down"

What does it mean to: 'fly in Life'?

Freedom in Life to do what you want to do.

Sometimes, when we hold on to certain things or memories from our past, we 'weigh ourselves down' and just cannot get off the ground, or move Forwards in Life.

Learn from the past valuable lessons and then 'Move On'!

The Benefits of letting go Mentally means a more Peaceful Mind.

And letting go of the negative leaves more room for the Positive. 

Do not let anyone or anything 'weigh you down' or 'stop you'.

When we 'let go' of past experiences, we are opening a new and exciting door into our Futures.

Trust the Future!

Walk through that new door!

And have Faith in your own Abilities!

Believe in You!

"This" will Help to Improve our Mental Wellbeing, as well as 'Protecting' our Emotional Health.

Create that Plan and Prepare for your Future.

And let go of anything that stops you from going Forward in your own life!

Practice "Self-Care" every day of your Life.


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Live Your Life Your Way

 Live Your Life Your Way

"You don't have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. It's your life. Live it without apologies"

Society around us tries to pressure us into 'being' a certain type of person living, a certain way of Life.

And if we do not conform, we could 'feel' that we need to apologise. 

However, this is not the 'right way to Live'!

Each one of us is as Unique and Special as the Earth Itself is.

And like the Earth, we do not need to apologise to anybody for Living our own Lives our own way.

Instead of listening to other people criticising us, have the Confidence to Believe in Yourself, and to be True to how YOU want to Live.

Like the Earth is The Jewel in Space and stands out amongst the other planets, Build up the Courage to have your own 'lifestyle'.

Having that Strong daily routine of Mindfulness and Meditation will Build up our Personalities into the Strong and Optimistic ones we Desire so much to have. 

Having a 'Strong Support System' will Help to keep this in our Minds all of the time.

It Is Your Life.

Live It Your Way.