Sunday, March 10, 2024

Variety Is The Life On This Earth

 Variety Is The Life On This Earth

“Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time”.

To a certain extent, we are ‘brought up’ to compete with others. This can be ‘healthy’ if it helps us to excel and improve in certain areas.

However, what we do tend to forget is that each one of us is as good as the other.

We all have our own Special Skills, unique only to ourselves.

Variety is the very life of this planet Earth, which actually does make life very interesting.

For example, there are over 11,000 species of bird, all different sizes, colours and wingspan. Each species has their own song and they all sound beautiful during the Dawn Chorus. And yet, when you listen to each bird individually, their song is unique to themselves and they sound exquisite, shining in their own little ways.

Why are we humans any different?


Saturday, March 9, 2024

A Good Reminder

 A Good Reminder

“Become a priority in your life”.

Oh yes, this is a lovely reminder for all of us who are just too busy caring for our loved ones.

We tend to forget that we are important too.

There is nothing wrong with setting aside a little time every day to devote to ourselves and our own mental and physical health.

This is extremely Important!

We need to build ourselves up, both mentally and physically in order to help and care for others.

And there is nothing wrong with making our own lives a priority.

In fact, this is very Sensible.

To look after our mental health shows how much we respect the mind, and this will also help us fight against depression and negative thinking.

When we look after our physical health, we will start to feel better, which helps us to ‘feel’ Positive.


Friday, March 8, 2024

It's A Great Improvement

 It’s A Great Improvement

“It’s not about being the best. It’s about being better than you were yesterday”.

We improve everytime we sit down and ‘look at ourselves’, at what we have personally accomplished.

We don’t have to be the best, but it is always good to try to do better.

To do better than we did yesterday, last week, even last year.

In this way we Improve.

And it is always good to improve mentally and physically.

When we start to read and write in school, it takes a little time to be proficient and we make mistakes to start off with, but after practicing every single day, we finally ‘master’ reading and writing and may even start to enjoy reading books and writing essays, which is a real improvement indeed.

Why is Life any different?


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Go On, Have A Go

 Go On, Have A Go

“Confidence unlocks every opportunity in life”.

Confidence is our key to doing things we Enjoy in life.

When we lack Confidence, we end up not doing things and we miss out on so many Fun things.

If we can only have Confidence in ourselves, then we can Enjoy doing things in our lives, making new and happy memories.

What we need to do is find a way of building up Confidence, Trust and Faith in ourselves.

Physically, we can help ourselves by: getting enough sleep, controlling our diet, doing physical activity, and getting some fresh air every day.

Mentally, we can practice meditation and mindfulness.

By doing this, we become Confident in every day ‘actions’, which gives us such a Positive life, that when something a little different comes along, we will have the Confidence to ‘have a go’.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Follow Your Heart

 Follow Your Heart

“You are the only person on Earth who can use your ability”.

Our heart Controls our physical bodies.

Our talents are inside us and are Controlled by our minds.

Only We can Control and Use our Abilities, and each one of us has our own Special Talents.

The dictionary explains the word “Ability” as having a skill.

What is your skill?

Be assured that you have one, you just may need to ‘find’ it.

For example, what have you always “wanted” to do? Play a musical instrument? Draw and paint beautiful pictures? Learn to speak a different language? Dance?

You can learn anything if you really want to, and your own special talent will shine through.

This will Encourage others to ‘follow their hearts’ when they see you ‘following your heart’.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

"You Can Do It!"

 “You Can Do It!”

“Positive thinking generates Positive action and Positive results”.

To a certain extent, Positive thinking also means having Faith in yourself and Belief that you CAN do certain things.

When we have “This”, negativity just does not stand a chance.

“I Can do this” goes to

“I Will do this” which leads to

“I Did It!” and "Well Done You".

Building our mental health up can only help towards having a Strong mind.

Looking after ourselves physically is another important way of becoming Strong.

It is interesting how the two affect each other, ‘bouncing’ off each other (as it were).

A Healthy mind is a Positive mind.

A Healthy body is a Positive body.

A Positive mind and body leads to Positive actions.

All of these things lead to a Positive Life.


Monday, March 4, 2024

Enjoy Your Life To The Full

 Enjoy Your Life To The Full

“Life isn’t meant to be perfect. It’s meant to be lived”.

You are Perfect as you are.

How many times have we heard this? And yet, do we really believe it?

What is ‘perfection’ anyway? “The action or process of improving something until it is faultless”.

We can improve our lives, and try to live it to the fullest.

It is said that ‘love is in the eye of the beholder’. I personally think that ‘perfection’ is too.

“Perfect” means so many different things to so many different people, and what is “Perfect” for one person is not for another.

And yet, we are all Alive, on this planet Earth, at the same time.

When a baby is born, we always call him or her perfect, and they have their whole life ahead of them.

Why are you and I any different?

Enjoy your life as best you can, and your life will be Perfect.