Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Make Each Day Count

 Make Each Day Count

“The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you”

It can be difficult to stop ourselves from thinking about the past, especially when we have been through a trauma.

And yet, the past has gone and belongs to yesterday, where we should try to leave it.

Each and every one of us has our lives ahead of us, and as is always said: “we should make each day count”.

What have you always Wanted to do?

What would you Like to do?

Looking forward to the future and planning ahead will help us to put and keep Positive thoughts in our minds.

Then we will make New and Positive memories to look back on which will have a Strengthening effect on our minds.


Monday, January 1, 2024

Don't Give Them Room

 Don’t Give Them Room

“Laughter and friendship will cure just about anything!”

When we are happy, we feel good.

Mentally — we are in a good place and we don’t seem to feel our physical pains (so much).

Worries and stress seem far away, if only for a short while.

Surely, this can only be a good thing.

It’s been said that: “Laughter is the best medicine”, and when we are laughing we cannot be sad at the same time.

Also, laughter enhances our intake of oxygen-rich air, which stimulates the heart, lungs and muscles.

So the physical ‘act’ of laughing has Positive effects, as well as being good for us mentally.

When we are laughing at a joke, there just is no room for dark thoughts. In fact — don’t give them room!


Sunday, December 31, 2023

Be Happy

 Be Happy

“Stay close to anything that makes you glad. You are alive”.

Be with like-minded people and you will all then lift each other up.

When we have that all important “me-time”, do what you enjoy doing, like doing, and what you know will build you up and Strengthen you — both mentally and physically.

Being alive on this beautiful planet Earth is divine. And you need to be alive to appreciate it.

So, whatever makes you Smile => do it!

Whoever makes you Glad to be Alive => stay with that person.

Be with Positive people and you will be Positive yourself.


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Do Your Best

 Do Your Best

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars”.

When you do your best, you always ‘reach for the moon’.

Sometimes, when we really want something, we don’t get it and have to make do with ‘the next best thing’ or “the stars”.

I was always ‘taught’ that when you have done your best, you will receive the best => whatever that means to you personally.

Again, how we think affects how and what we will receive.

Think for the Best.

Be Positive that you will receive the Best.

And then => you will DO your Best.

This also means reaching for something ‘within’ your reach.


Friday, December 29, 2023

What We Think

 What We Think

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome”.

What we think will affect what we do, which will affect, in turn, whether we are successful or whether we fail.

If we “think” we are going to fail from the beginning, there will be no point even trying.

If we “think”, from the very beginning, that we CAN do something and WILL succeed, there is no time like the present to start.

Our “attitude” affects everything we do.

Attitude means: “a settled way of thinking or feeling about something”.

As it’s a ‘settled way of thinking’, settle your mind NOW that you CAN do something and WILL succeed => every time!


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Hold Your Head High

 Hold Your Head High

“Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye”.

I really like these words!

There are too many people who want to push us down, trying to discourage us at every turn, and it is usually because they are jealous of us.

Never let them stop you!

Never bend your head to them!

Be Proud of who you are and of what you have personally achieved.

Have Confidence and Faith in yourself and your own abilities.

Look at what you Can personally do and Smile, because we all have talents that no one else will have.

And ‘look the world straight in the eye’ and say: “This is who I am, accept me!”

You’ll be surprised how many people will Respect you.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Keep Moving On Towards Your Dreams

 Keep Moving On Towards Your Dreams

“All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them”.

How many of us can say that we have achieved our dreams?

When we are children, we have dreams of being a fireman, a police woman, a dancer or a ballerina — in fact — the list of dreams never ends!

The beauty of living in this Century, (yes, I know I’ve said this before), is that most ‘dreams’ CAN come true.

Whether we want to be a nurse, a doctor, a teacher, or a lawyer (even), we can still study for it, pass our exams and be that ‘person’ we have dreamed of being, no matter our age, finances or circumstances.

The fact is that we need to keep moving towards our dreams and to keep wanting them.

Remember, it all starts with an idea or a thought.