Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Never Doubt

 Never Doubt!

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts today”.

“I doubt myself too much!” — haven’t we all said this? And when we doubt ourselves, we limit our minds, which limits our actions, and we don’t “see” what we want — tomorrow.

It comes down to being sure about ourselves and our own abilities.

A nurse may not know what awaits her, at the scene of an accident, but she (or he) has Confidence in the training they have done, and Faith in their own abilities to save lives. Plus, he or she is too busy to ‘worry’.

The ‘realization’ is that the nurse saved a life.

Never doubt your own abilities and you will “see” tomorrow.


Monday, December 11, 2023



“We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action”.

‘The Devil makes work for idle hands’, the devil being ‘fear’ in this case.

If we just sit down all day, ‘worrying’, fear will set in and we could become too nervous even to move.

If we get up with a Positive frame of mind and ‘plan out’ our day, and keep busy ‘doing’ things, we will become Confident and there will be no time or room for fear.

We need to have the “Can-Do” attitude and then We Will!

Again, it does come down to Belief in Yourself.

You CAN do this!

You WILL do this!

You HAVE done this!

There is no room for fear when we have Confidence in Ourselves.


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Confidence And Courage

 Confidence And Courage

“Don’t try to lessen yourself for the world; let the world catch up to you”

“Don’t hold back!”

“You can do it!”

“Lead the way!”

To a certain degree, Confidence and Courage have a lot to do with this.

We need the Confidence to “Be” who we are and the Courage to “Move Ahead” in our lives.

When we were at school, the teachers did their best to never hold us back but to encourage us to go ahead, improving all of the time.

Who tried to hold us back?

Maybe a jealous pupil tried to stop us, holding us back because ‘they wanted to be first’.

Maybe we held ourselves back because we lacked Confidence within ourselves.

So, have Faith in yourself, the Confidence in your own abilities and — show the world how it’s done.


Saturday, December 9, 2023

It's Worth The Work

 It’s Worth The Work!

“If you have your good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sun-beams and you will always be lovely”

The Positive will always be Stronger than the negative.

Thinking Optimist thoughts will help us to have the Confidence we need to progress in life.

Also, doesn’t a Smile look more Beautiful than an ugly frown?

When we ‘think’ nice thoughts, we will want to Smile and be Happy, it’s up to us to make that effort to do this.

Just like a beautiful gown takes time to design and sew together, so does that Beautiful Smile and Lovely Personality.

It’s Worth The Work.


Friday, December 8, 2023

Trust Your Own Courage

 Trust Your Own Courage

“All you need is a plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination”

When you are going on a journey, you ‘prepare’ your route, making sure which roads to turn into and you ‘map out your route’. You don’t want to get lost.

Then, you check the car, making sure the tyres are safe, that there is enough oil, water and petrol, etc, etc.

You check the time and off you go safely.

What’s the difference with life itself?

We’re lucky to get a decent education, and with that, we can ‘prepare’ our lives ready to follow what we want to do with our lives.

We need to trust our own Courage inorder to move forwards in our own personal lives.

Believe In Yourself!


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Love And Inspiration

 Love And Inspiration

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong”

An artist continues to paint, drawing beautiful pictures and improving his or her skill.

A concert pianist practices for many hours every day, and their performance is perfect.

What have YOU always wanted to do?

There are very few things that are not ‘achievable’ today, even for the older ones amongst us.

This is the beauty of living in this Century.

Love and Inspiration play a big part in this, as is doing something “for the right reason”.

Support Life and Life will Support you.


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

It Just Takes Time

 It Just Takes Time

“Weaknesses are just strengths in the wrong environment”

I like this particular saying because it turns the negative into the positive.

What is a ‘weakness’?

It is a ‘strength’ which needs to be worked on to become stronger.

What would be an example of this?

A baby needs help when he or she starts to walk. Mummy and daddy support their baby first of all, until his or her little legs are Strong enough so that the baby can walk by him or her self.

It takes time and practice.

Balance is also needed and learnt.

We may be adults now but we need to remember that we always need to Strengthen our lives — both mentally and physically — but we also need to keep our Balance in Life.