Thursday, November 23, 2023

Make Someone's Day

 Make Someone's Day

“Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud”

How do you feel when you see a rainbow after a thunderstorm? 

It makes you feel that there is hope.

When you see someone smiling and happy, that also gives us hope.

Do you have a friend like that?

Someone you always like to see because he or she always brightens your day.

We can also be like this, always Positive and Smiling.

When we know someone is going through a difficult time, we try to Encourage him or her, and Cheer them up.

Let's try and do this with people we see everyday, at the bus stop, train station, or even in the coffee queue.

A Smile and a Cheery “Hello” really can make someone's day.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Succeed In Life

 Succeed In Life

“Success in not final, failure is not fatal: it is the Courage to continue that counts”

Never, Never, Never give up!

Everything that is worth anything is always hard work but worthwhile — if we do not give up!

How many times have we told our children: “Don't give up, keep going” — but do we practice what we preach?

When our children see that we don't give up but keep going, and finally get there or reach success, they will see that it is worth the hard work, and will themselves ‘succeed in life’.

Have the Courage to just keep going, which leads to —

Belief In Yourself!


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Keep The Sun In Your Heart

 Keep The Sun In Your Heart

“Keep you face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you”

Stay always Positive. 

Let your light Shine always.

Keep that Smile on your face.

When we are going through a difficult time, or just the busyness of life gets to us, always try to look up to the sun or think sunny thoughts.

It is easy to ‘fall into’ negativity and moan about our lot in life, but this is not good for us mentally, which will make us ill physically. 

If we can only “see” that things do get better and will, then all those negative ‘shadows’ will fall behind us, and will eventually disappear altogether. 

When the sun is out, everyone is cheerful. 

Keep the sun in your heart.


Monday, November 20, 2023

"I Dreamed A Dream"

 “I Dreamed A Dream”

“When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let it go”

How many of us have let our ‘dreams’ go as we grow up into the “real” world?

Sometimes, we forget what we ‘wanted’ to do and live as others think we should.

Sounds very “Victorian”.

However, we should never forget our dreams.

The beauty of living in this Century is that most ‘dreams’ can come true!

If you ‘dreamed’ of being a teacher (for example) and you have a family, whether you are mum or dad, you can still train, qualify and “be” that teacher.

It is possible!

Dreams can come true today so never let go of your dreams.


Sunday, November 19, 2023

It's Worth It

 It's Worth It

“The pain that you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that is coming”.

A good example of this is: when a mother gives birth, it is a pain like no other, but when she holds her newborn baby in her arms, the love she feels is far Stronger than the pain was.

However, when we go through a difficult time, we cannot always ‘see’ the relief of when ‘it all finishes’.

When a student is studying so much for a qualification, it can seem ‘painful’, studying and studying and studying. When he or she passes that exam and gets the degree, the joy far outweighs all those hours of studying. 

It's worth it!


Saturday, November 18, 2023

It's In The Diary

 It's In The Diary

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot”.

“That time went so fast, we must have really enjoyed that”.

This is so true for everything we do, whether it is work, rest or play.

How can we ‘control’ time though?

Many of us have a journal or diary, and we literally write down, hour by hour, what we are doing => appointments, work, school, college, hobbies, shopping and even the school run.

This way, at least we know what we ‘should’ be doing and when.

But also, this is our lives and only we have the right to ‘Control’ our lives.

So, being the pilot of our time is also being the pilot of our own lives.


Friday, November 17, 2023



“Train your mind to see the good in every situation”.

This — is difficult!

But then, everything worthwhile doing always is.

We live in such a busy world that we do not even have time to think (sometimes).

And then, when we do ‘think’, we are often surrounded by negative news or ‘bad’ gossip.

Training our minds makes it sound like an academic subject, but we may have to ‘look at it’ that way.

Have you ever sat down and just thought about something, trying to work out how to sort “it” out?

It really helps to ‘make time’ to sit down quietly and think about ‘good’ things and to see the Positives in any situation. By ‘training’ our minds this way, it will (eventually) become naturally to us to “see the good in every situation”.

And don't forget your journal!