Saturday, September 9, 2023

It's Going To Be

 "If we have the attitude that it's going to be a great day it usually is"






5 words that we can keep in our minds to make sure that we KEEP that Brilliant attitude.

'I will make sure that it will be a good day, no matter what happens'.

We've got this because We Are Strong!


Friday, September 8, 2023

Look For The Rainbow

 "The rain will pass. Keep your head up. Look for the rainbow"

In England, we are used to the rain, it's true. But sometimes, it can be just too much, getting wet every day going to work or school.

The same is true of life and the 'problems' we have to face every day. Sometimes, it just all gets on top of us.

Keep your head up! Life Will Get Better!

And when we see that rainbow in the sky, doesn't it fill us with wonder.

The same is true when facing our problems. When we look back on them and remember how we handled them, we should be really proud of ourselves.

And when things do (finally) get better, it's like living inside that rainbow.


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Start Again !

 "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin, this time more intelligently"

"Oh, I made a mess of that!"

How many times, in life, have we said this?

Yes, we do make mistakes but we can learn from them and get it right --- the next time.

This, of course, can actually apply to anything in life. Homework / buying a new house / starting a new job / even living with a new partner.

This is the Beauty of life --- that no matter how may mistakes we do make --- we can always start again and get it right the next time (or one day).

There is always HOPE!


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

What Example Are You Setting?

 "You change the world by your example, not your opinion"

People follow / copy people. It's just who we are as the human race.

We see a smile --- we smile.

We hear a laugh --- we laugh.

We see others chatting --- we start chatting.

Let's try to "do" Positive things every day and then (hopefully) others will 'copy'.

It does rub off.

You might be wary of talking to strangers but a smile doesn't hurt anyone, and may even be a 'protection' --- "that person knows what their doing and has strong people around them".

So --- we can change the world for the better --- by our Positive example!


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Stop And Listen

"Sometimes I just need a break in a beautiful place, to stop, listen to my heart, and figure it all out" 

There is nothing wrong with giving yourself some time to 'work things out'.

None of us are born with the knowledge needed to get through life and we need to contemplate how we will face our lives, our future, even ourselves.

As we go through life, our personalities change and our hopes and wants and, sometimes, we just need time to "accept" who we are and how we want to live, even to work out 'how' we will live or want to live.

It is Important to listen to ourselves!

This will help us mentally, which will affect our lives and those around us.

It is 'healthy' to sit quietly and just listen to our own minds, working out our lives, maybe even writing things down because sometime seeing 'it' on paper can help us "see" more clearly.

Besides, we deserve this time because each one of us is Special.


Monday, September 4, 2023

Just Be Kind

 "You know who's going through a lot right now? Literally everyone. Just be kind"

We are never alone.

Every single one of us is going through something --- a physical problem, a mental problem, a family problem, a school or college problem, and the list goes on.

Everyone of us is going through a 'cost of living' problem --- rich or not.

Let's try to remember this and just be kind to everyone we meet, however they treat us.

How would I like to be treated? It's an old question but a very real one, and one we have heard from our grandmother too.

We feel good and even better when we treat others with kindness and understanding, and who knows how it will "help" the other person. A kind word can make all the difference to some one's day.

"There are kind people on this Earth after all".


Sunday, September 3, 2023

"Fill Up"

 "Remember to take care of yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup"

Self-Care is a Must in this world.

A few minutes every single day to rest, relax and rebuild our minds and bodies gives us the Strength and the Confidence to get through that day, even that week.

Being so busy that we care for everybody else but never for ourselves is not a very wise thing to do.

We don't want to 'collapse' mentally or physically.

So Do It! 

Give yourself that "Me-Time" every single day and your 'cup' will always be full.