Sunday, September 3, 2023

"Fill Up"

 "Remember to take care of yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup"

Self-Care is a Must in this world.

A few minutes every single day to rest, relax and rebuild our minds and bodies gives us the Strength and the Confidence to get through that day, even that week.

Being so busy that we care for everybody else but never for ourselves is not a very wise thing to do.

We don't want to 'collapse' mentally or physically.

So Do It! 

Give yourself that "Me-Time" every single day and your 'cup' will always be full.


Saturday, September 2, 2023

No Apologies Necessary

 "You don't have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. It's your life. Live it without apologies"

"Please no apologies needed"

How many times have we heard this expression?

Ever thought that it applies to life itself?

Why should we explain our lives to anybody? Or 'apologize' to others how we live your lives?

No !

You live your life your way for a reason and, very often, if some one else 'criticises', it's because they are jealous of your happiness.

You deserve that happiness --- keep it close.


Friday, September 1, 2023

NO !

 "Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace"

We live in a very varied world, where people of every 'kind' live.

Some are kind, some are helpful, some are spiteful, some are only out to destroy others.

When you have worked so hard to achieve that Peace which you so deserve --- never let any one take that Peace away from you.

Their 'behaviours' do not belong in your life, so don't put up with it.

Stop them before they go any where near your life / your Peace / your future.

Yes, Inner Peace brings a more Peaceful and Happier future, one which you deserve.


Thursday, August 31, 2023

It's Important

 "The older I get, the more important peace of mind becomes"

When We're young, we are full of energy and ideas and want to race around life, grabbing at it with both hands.

When we are older we realize that going at a slower pace helps us to enjoy life more,


We realize how Important our Peace of Mind is.

Mental Health is just as important as our physical health, and knowing how to protect our minds is just as important as protecting our physical bodies.

Peace within our minds will bring calm to our bodies which can only help us to be healthy --- mentally and physically.


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

It's Worth It

 "I'm not telling you it will be easy. I'm telling you it will be worth it"

Anything worth having is never easy BUT it is always Worth It !

That new job or that new course at uni or even getting married --- that new life.

Yes, it is hard going and you may make a few mistakes on the way.

It's Worth Every Single Minute.

So next time you're finding things 'difficult' --- Remember --- just keep going and it will really be worth it.


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Choose Wisely

 "Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice"

How many times have we said: "It's your choice!"

We all 'fall down' in life and make 'a' mistake, but staying down there is not an option!

Get Up !

Smile !

And just Carry On !

If you choose to stay down, your life will be so miserable and unhappy, but if you choose to Get Up and Move Forward you will be so much more happier.

And who knows what tomorrow will bring!?!

Never give up when 'life' knocks you down. Get up and say: "Well, what was that? It's not stopping me!" and show life who you really are.

That Strong and Positive person.


Monday, August 28, 2023

Keep The Faith

 "You can't control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen"

Life does have its own way of working things out.

We worry so much and like to be in full control of everything, but, sometimes, life it just out of our control. This is when we have to 'keep the faith' and trust that life 'knows' what it is doing. 

Very often, things work out 'better' than if we ourselves had done things.

Going to a new job / going to a new school or college / going to live in a new house and / or with a new partner.

Worry   Worry   Worry.


Trust in your own faith in life itself and your own 'choices' and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Life Is Good After All !