Saturday, June 13, 2020

Birds of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise has 45 species of small to medium-sized forest birds.

#   The birds are rivalled only by a few pheasants and hummingbirds in colour.
#   Courting couples perform for hours on a chosen perch or in a cleared space on the forest floor.
#   After mating, the plain females generally make the nest and raise the one or two young unaided.
#   The largest Bird of Paradise is 45cm long.
#   Among the most notable of these birds are the "Plume birds" which are 29-46cm long. Their central tail feathers are elongated as wires or twisted narrow ribbons.
#   The 12-wired Bird of Paradise is a short-tailed, 33cm bird with flank plumes elaborated as forward-curving wires.

Friday, June 12, 2020


Swallows are small birds with dark, glossy-blue backs, red throats, pale underparts and long tail streamers.

#   There are 84 recognized species of Swallow worldwide.
#   A+Swallows like to nest in open-fronted buildings such as barns, stables and cowsheds.
#   Swallows like to nest close to large domestic animals like cattle or horses.
#   Most British Swallows try to rear 2 broods each summer and some succeed in raising 3.
#   The male swallow arrives back first from migration, singing over his territory in the hope of attracting a mate. Females generally appear a week to a fortnight later.
#   Male and female swallows are virtually identical in appearance .

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Sparrow

Sparrows have beautiful voices and their chirping and singing can be heard all over.

#   There are "House" sparrows and "Tree" sparrows. The difference is the 'Crown'. Tree sparrows have a solid chestnut-brown head and nape. The House sparrow have a light grey crown.
#   House sparrows are not finicky eaters or picky about nesting sites and are persistent, resourceful and intelligent.
#   Sparrows play an important role as insect controllers as they eat a phenomenal number of insects.
#   They feed their young exclusively on an insect diet.
#   The Sparrow symbolizes jot and protection and is also a symbol of simplicity and community.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Finches

Finches are small bird with forked or notched tails, rounded or elongated bodies and round heads, with more or less triangular bills.

#   The shape of the 'bill' varies according tot he type of food eaten, from short and rounded to long and sharp.
#   The Finch symbolizes =
liveliness, exuberance and enthusiasm in Life. "High energy and brighter days are on the horizon."
#   The Finch family include =
Siskins / Canaries / Redpolls / Serins / Grosbeaks and Euphonias.
#   Finches helped Charles Darwin understand the way that natural environments affect the 'evolution' and 'adaptation' of a species.
#   The smallest Finch is the Audean Siskin which is 9.5cm.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Hummingbirds are the smallest of birds, most species measuring 7.5 - 13cm in length.

#   The smallest Hummingbird species is the 5cm Bee Hummingbird which weighs less than 2.0g.
#   The Hummingbird has a lifespan of 3-5 years.
#   Some species incluse = 
Ruby-throated / Anna's / Black-Chinned / Fufous / Broad-tailed / Violetear.
#   The needle-like bill of a Hummingbird is its most Unique physical trait. The bill is extremely long and thin compared to the bird's overall size, and it is used as a tube for the bird to 'lick' nectar from flowers, sapwells and feeders with its long and agile tongue.


    There are roughly 393 species of Parrot found mostly in tropical and subtropical regions.

#   Parrots usually have a strong, curved bill, an upright stance, strong legs and clawed feet.
#   Many Parrots are vividly coloured, and some are multi-coloured.
#   A Parrot's diet includes seeds, nuts, fruit, buds and other plant material.
#   A few Parrot species eat animals and carrion, while other species eat floral nectar and soft fruits.
#   Almost all Parrots nest in tree hollows and lay white eggs from which hatch helpless young.
#   Parrots are among the most intelligent of birds, and have the ability to imitate human speech, which makes them popular as pets.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

White's Seahorse

Also known as the "Sydney Seahorse," this species is thought to live in the southwest Pacific, from Sydney to the Solomon Islands.

#   This species has a narrow head, moderate to high coronet and a long snout. It can reach a length of 13cm.

#   Individuals of this species are generally pale to dark brown or black, although some are entirely yellow.

#   White's Seahorse has a good camouflage.

#   This species is carnivorous and feeds on small crustaceans.

#   Males may brood 100-250 embryos at a time, and after a gestation of 3 weeks, gives birth to about 150 young.