Sunday, December 17, 2023

Encourage The Children

 Encourage The Children

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

We are lucky to be able to go to school and receive a decent education.Some of us never actually stop studying, learning all through our lives.

Ignorance can breed distrust and hatred, whereas knowledge or education can breed trust and peace.

We have learnt so much since the Two World Wars, that we will do our best to make sure that there is never a Third.

And hasn’t medicine advanced so quickly over the last one hundred years, so much so that with training, a doctor can do open heart surgery and save a life.

This is why education is so Important and why we should Encourage our children to do as much schooling as possible.


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Little And Often

 Little And Often

“It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change”.

“Little and often” — such good words which can apply to anything — eating, walking, achieving something you would love.

A dancer starts with the basic steps, practicing until they ‘feel’ normal and then they move on to more difficult steps.

When we start to read, we learn the alphabet first, and then we go on to learn to actually read.

When you want to change your life for the better, sit down, write down, and take those small steps, which will eventually become normal, and then you can really move on in life.


Friday, December 15, 2023

Prepare Today

 Prepare Today

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”.

When we really want something, we think about it all of the time and do our best in achieving it.

A Dream, a Hope, A Career.

A student at college or university, will study many hours, to achieve that qualification they want in order to follow their chosen career.

A mother carries her baby in her womb for nine months, doing her best to keep healthy, eat healthy, and prepare for the birth. Holding her new-born in her arms makes all of that preparation worthwhile.

Whatever you want tomorrow, you can do your best to prepare for it today.

It’s Worth It!


Thursday, December 14, 2023

We Can Work It Out

 We Can Work It Out

“If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it”.

It all starts with a thought.

It’s carrying out that thought which can seem difficult.

Leonardo da Vinci drew pictures of flying machines in c.1490. Hundreds of years later, we fly in aeroplanes every day. It was a thought that ‘came true’ — eventually.

Whilst you and I may never invent anything, we do have thoughts and ideas which we want to “see” come true in our own lives.

And they will ‘if’ we Believe in our own Strengths and have the Confidence to ‘work out the thought’.

We Can Work It Out (as the song goes).


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Embrace Love And Joy

 Embrace Love And Joy

“When we choose to trust the journey and embrace love and joy, we are free to fly”.

It is a choice.

When we “choose” to Trust in ourselves and where we are taking ourselves in life, we free ourselves from the chains of self-doubt.

When we are Confident in our own abilities, and want certain things in love and joy, tomorrow comes without us even thinking about it.

And we “fly” (as it were).

Trusting the journey means trusting in ourselves.

Embracing love and joy can mean love yourself and your loved ones.

Then life won’t seem so difficult after all.


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Never Doubt

 Never Doubt!

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts today”.

“I doubt myself too much!” — haven’t we all said this? And when we doubt ourselves, we limit our minds, which limits our actions, and we don’t “see” what we want — tomorrow.

It comes down to being sure about ourselves and our own abilities.

A nurse may not know what awaits her, at the scene of an accident, but she (or he) has Confidence in the training they have done, and Faith in their own abilities to save lives. Plus, he or she is too busy to ‘worry’.

The ‘realization’ is that the nurse saved a life.

Never doubt your own abilities and you will “see” tomorrow.


Monday, December 11, 2023



“We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action”.

‘The Devil makes work for idle hands’, the devil being ‘fear’ in this case.

If we just sit down all day, ‘worrying’, fear will set in and we could become too nervous even to move.

If we get up with a Positive frame of mind and ‘plan out’ our day, and keep busy ‘doing’ things, we will become Confident and there will be no time or room for fear.

We need to have the “Can-Do” attitude and then We Will!

Again, it does come down to Belief in Yourself.

You CAN do this!

You WILL do this!

You HAVE done this!

There is no room for fear when we have Confidence in Ourselves.