Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Tulip And The Rose

 The Tulip and the Rose

"My life isn't perfect but I am thankful for what I have"

What is "Perfection"?

It Is many different things to many different people.

In my opinion, if you are Grateful for what you have in your Life and Happy, you are Living the Perfect Life.

Society tries to 'squeeze' us  into what 'It' calls a 'perfect' Life, which can put pressure and stress onto people, and it's not necessarily 'how' some Want to Live Their Lives.

When we make it a part of our daily routine to take a few minutes to think about what we do have, and to be Thankful for this, all of a sudden our Lives Look Perfect.

Finding Joy in what we have in our Lives, and who we have, and 'Seeing' the Beauty that is really there, Helps us to Embrace our Lives for what they really are.

The trap comes when we start to 'compare' ourselves with others and with their Lives.

A rose and a tulip grow in the same garden, but Both are Beautiful!

We Learn from 'imperfections' as we go through Life, but the most Important thing is to "Accept" Ourselves for who we really are.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Long Before

 Long Before

“Sometimes you just need to disconnect and enjoy your own company”

We Live in a world which is now completely ‘connected’.

Instead of going out to the shop for a newspaper, we just turn on the TV and watch the news on the screen in front of us.

Our Lives are constantly ‘connected’ by the internet.

This is a Good thing because it keeps us safe and in contact with the world we Live in.

But sometimes, it can all get ‘too noisy’ and ‘too much’.

Turn it off and sit quietly and ‘listen’ to the ‘silence’.

Our Mental Health needs to come before anything because our Minds ‘Control’ us, Emotionally and Physically.

We want Good Health and looking after our Minds will do this.

It’s human nature to need Peace and Quiet and need to ‘Listen’ to this.

5 or 10 minutes, every single day, of Quiet Meditation will Help us to Balance our Minds, setting us up for a Positive and Strong day.

And don’t be afraid to have your own company, to be alone — you are looking after your Mental Health.

A walk in the park, during the day, can do ‘Wonders’ for our souls.

The fresh air is Healthy and the sounds and sights are Natural.

Afterall, Nature came a long time before the internet did.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Balance Is Vital

 Balance Is Vital

“Life is better when you cry a little, laugh a little, and are thankful for everything you’ve got”

When we cry, we are letting go of negative feelings, releasing them, and making room for Positive and Happy ones.

When we Laugh, we are building up those Happy feelings and helping our Mental Health.

When we Appreciate our Lives today, we are showing Faith in Ourselves.

Being Grateful for everything we have in Life increases our Happiness and Helps us to try to ‘see the Good’ in every situation.

And ‘see the Good’ in others too.

How can we Help ourselves to be Grateful and Happy with what we have in Life?

Daily Meditation and Gratitude journaling keeps this at the forefront of our Minds.

And when we write this down in our own personal journals, we can re-read and remind ourselves what we should be Grateful for, in our Lives, every day.

This will Help us to have Harmony in our Lives.

And this will Help us to Appreciate our Lives.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Freedom Is Priceless

 Freedom Is Priceless

“You can’t change how people feel about you, so don’t try. Just live your life and be happy”

We all have that desire to be 'accepted’ and many fear rejection.

Society’s expectations and the pressures to ’fit in’ can make us feel insecure about ourselves.

Some feel that they should ‘change’ to please others to have some ‘self-worth’.

This isn’t the right way of thinking!

The ‘need’ to be constantly seeking approval from others is detrimental to our Mental Health.

A True Friend will “Accept” You for who You are.

Focus on your own Happiness and what YOU like in Life.

This is not selfish!

This is Accepting your own personal ‘qualities’ and Growing in a personal way.

Freedom from other people’s opinions is Priceless.

We become more Confident in ourselves and Positive in every aspect of our Lives.

Self-Love is ‘vital’ for our Minds, and we need to Strengthen our Mental Health in a Positive and Optimistic way.

This will have a Positive impact on others, helping them to look at their Lives in a Constructive frame of Mind.

Recognise and acknowledge your own Qualities and Talents.

By the Law of Attraction, you will ‘Attract’ others who can Support you in a Happy and Cheerful way.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Achieve That Happy Life

 Achieve That Happy Life

“Some people wish to be pretty, rich or popular. Me? I just want to be happy”

Money helps us to Live and Beauty makes the appearance look nice, but how many people have both and are Happy?

Society around us puts emphasis on physical appearance and wealth and popularity.

And everyone ‘thinks’ that they should ‘conform’ to that.

But it’s a Good thing to be different when it makes you Happy.

And what makes you and me Happy?

There is nothing wrong with these ‘things’ “IF” they make us Happy and Fulfilled in our Lives.

A Happy Mind is what ‘gives’ us a Happy Life.

Instead of always wanting the latest fad, we should be looking after our Emotional Well-being.

Self-Discovery can often be more Exciting than excess wealth.

And Personal Growth “IS” more Important than popularity.

ALso, we don’t necessarily need these ‘things’ to be Successful.

“Success” can mean several different things to different people.

The dictionary definition of the word Success is: “the achievement of a desired goal or outcome”.

This begs the question: what do you and I want to Achieve to make our Lives Happy?


Thursday, October 10, 2024

You Will See It

 You Will See It

“Once you make the decision to move on, don’t look back. Your destiny will never be found in the rearview mirror”

When we look Forward to the Future, we are showing that we have a Positive ‘view’ of our Lives.

We are proving that we have Faith in Ourselves and in the world around us.

We are proving to Ourselves that we are Trusting in the ‘journey’.

And Believing in Life Itself.

For us to have all of this, we need to develop a Positive and Strong Mindset.

Let go of the past and stop looking back there.

The past has gone!

We Learn from it, yes, and then move on to today and to tomorrow.

We need to overcome the fears that we had in the past, and be Determined to never let those ‘fears’ stop us from doing anything today and tomorrow.

By doing this we can Embrace new opportunities, new experiences and new ‘loves’.

When we drive a car, whilst we need to look in the rearview mirror from time to time, we are constantly looking forwards and ahead.

This makes our driving safe.

Why are our Lives any different?

We need to have that routine of Self-Care and Meditation every day of our Lives, to make our Minds Strong and to Care for our Mental Health.

Look ahead with a Positive Mind and you will see a Happier Life.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Beautiful Personality

 A Beautiful Personality

“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful — that will be my life”

Every single one of us is Beautiful.

It is Important to make our Lives Beautiful because of the Positive effect this has on our Mental Health.

Whilst it is True that ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, every one of us would agree that we Live on a Beautiful planet — The Earth.

There is Beauty in every aspect of this Earth, from the thunderstorms to the sunny rainbows to the brightly coloured frogs in the Amazon rainforest.

Let’s take a ‘lesson’ from the Earth and make our own individual Lives Beautiful.

This definition of Beauty seems to get straight to the point: “the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind”.

As the Mind Controls every aspect of our Lives, Emotionally and Physically, it ‘gives’ us our outlook or ‘view’ of the world around us and of Life in general.

It is our choice whether to Live a Beautiful Life or an ugly Life.

When we choose to Live a Happy and Cheerful Life, we become Strong and Determined and also Patient with others.

And then we become “Beautiful” to them: ‘she or he has a Beautiful personality’.